Staying sane, building resilience, call it what you will, we all need strategies to keep ourselves whole and healthy. How else can we push the boundaries and get the most out of life? Being resilient is a have to have, not a nice to have. This blog...
Is Done better than Perfect? You bet!
Do you aim, unsuccessfully, for Perfect? If you battle with an inner perfectionist, you know (deep down) that you're not alone. But have you really unpicked just how unhelpful that particular demon is? In this post, that's what I'm going to do. I'll also share my...
Solutions mindset: checkmate or stalemate?
How would you characterise your mindset? Are you problem-focused or solutions-focused? Do you manage to maintain a strategic, long term perspective, or do you get sucked into operational fixing? The choices you make when you decide to approach your work...
The value of Me Time
Do you feel guilty when you carve out a bit of time just for you? Do you find it hard to prioritise your own thinking space and development at work, even though you’re championing it for your colleagues? If so, you’re not alone. The biggest challenge...
What can I do for you?
This question is often the opening gambit of anyone who is selling a service, and a clear understanding of the answer is key for the person doing the buying, especially when what they're buying is executive coaching. Understanding what result an intervention might...
Choosing an executive coach; five things you need to know
Choosing to work with an executive coach is not something you should rush into, and if you haven't done it before - or if you have, and it wasn't a great experience - these five suggestions should help you make a well-informed choice. #1 Try before you buy The price...